Marnick Vandebroek with toilet paper - leadership communication in times of the corona virus

How to get your team to wash their hands and stop them from sh*tting their pants

The Corona virus affects us all, an invisible enemy that isn’t up for reason or any form of debate. Something no government or business saw coming or was even remotely prepared for.

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Monster dishwasher furry puppet

Is the dishwasher eating your company culture for lunch?

"Alrighty then... HR team what's the status on implementing the new corporate culture?" - Well, desktop wallpapers with our new non-unique values are fixed on people's computers, we have our mission printed on the reception desk, handed out a code of conduct with a great Shutterstock image of people from different nationalities on the cover and....we ordered pizza's. - "Ok team, I think we are pretty much done here..."

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