Carglass Belron Bilzen Distribution Center Truck Belgium

Stand Up Company writes story for Belron (Carglass) movie

When Belron’s European Distribution Center (Carglass) asked us to write the storyline for their new process video, Natalie and I were honored and very pleased to hear that the briefing went as follows: Show what we do here in Bilzen, but don’t make it just another process video. Make it an actual story that triggers emotion. No actors can be used. Our people are the stars of our company, so they will be the stars in this video.

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Monster dishwasher furry puppet

Is the dishwasher eating your company culture for lunch?

"Alrighty then... HR team what's the status on implementing the new corporate culture?" - Well, desktop wallpapers with our new non-unique values are fixed on people's computers, we have our mission printed on the reception desk, handed out a code of conduct with a great Shutterstock image of people from different nationalities on the cover and....we ordered pizza's. - "Ok team, I think we are pretty much done here..."

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