Geregistreerd dienstverlener KMO portefeuille logo

We are now a registered supplier of the KMO portefeuille

Great news! Clients were requesting it and we at Stand Up Company made sure we could offer you the possibility of using the KMO…

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carglass employees fun culture

Preparing employees to act in upcoming Carglass video

A lot of companies make the occasional corporate video, but besides the actual production of the movie, two challenges always arise. Number…

0 Comments1 Minutes


BREDA – an unexpected fun day

What if after a trainride from Brussels straight to Breda you step outside of the station and all of a sudden you see a big crowd with…

0 Comments1 Minutes

Leadership wolves pack in snow

The real explanation behind this famous leadership picture

I see this wolfpack explanation of leadership in my Linkedin feed everyday and even though it's an internet hoax, it still represents an…

0 Comments4 Minutes

Monster dishwasher furry puppet

Is the dishwasher eating your company culture for lunch?

"Alrighty then... HR team what's the status on implementing the new corporate culture?" - Well, desktop wallpapers with our new non-unique…

0 Comments6 Minutes

Staying calm on stage screaming stressy

3 TIPS: How to stay calm during a presentation

You have the feeling your lungs have packed their bags and moved into your throat. Air is becoming a luxury. Your mouth is dryer than a…

0 Comments8 Minutes

Wearing a smiley suit in a meeting

Why I always wear a Smiley Suit to a meeting & say ‘No’ to business

Money. No matter what the guru's or life coaches say, money is your first concern when starting your own business. You want it, you need it…

0 Comments7 Minutes

funny cow looking weird

Why Belgians don’t drink milk in a meeting and the Dutch love Monday

Belgians are beer drinking, chocolate eating, too down to earth for there own good, compromisers. That live next to Dutch trailer pulling,…

0 Comments11 Minutes

Marnick Vandebroek quit awesome job

Why I quit my awesome job and threw up

2017 is right around the corner and with it come plans, aspirations and false promises to ourselves about six pack abs, smoke free lungs…

0 Comments9 Minutes